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The Society of Biology has launched a new regional grant scheme, and we invite all our members to apply for grants to run biology events across the UK.

In addition to the work of our branches, the regional grant scheme is designed to increase our regional activity by enabling members to apply for up to £500 to deliver a one-off event or series of events in their area.

By directly supporting our members in the delivery of locally focussed events, we can help promote biology further afield and engage new audiences with varied and diverse biological topics.

How to apply

Before completing your application, read our guidance notes for eligibility information. Our running a successful event notes also have event advice and suggestions. 

You can apply online or by downloading the application form. Please return it to David Urry by email or post to David Urry, Regional Coordinator, Society of Biology, Charles Darwin House, 12 Roger Street, London, WC1N 2JU.

The deadline for applications is Monday 14th April 2014.

Please note: you cannot save your online application once it is in progress. We recommend you prepare your answers before beginning your application online.

Contact David Urry (020 7685 2576) if you have any questions about the grant scheme or your application.


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